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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

inspecting Kang

A reasonable critique of the views of prof. Kang Jeong-koo in the current Hankyoreh21 weekly by the history professors Pak T'ae-gyun (SNU, Kor.hist.) and Yi Wan-bôm (Academy of Kor.Studies, Korean pol.hist.) in a discussion with the mag editor. There's nothing new for those who have enlightened themselves on the topic of post-liberation Korea and the occupation regimes of USA and Soviet Union, but it's good to have it open also in a Hankyoreh-affiliated publication. The other of the discussants says that what Kang has been saying in his most commotion-generating texts is so much Cumings that he should have credited him in a footnote or something.

한국보수신문들은 자주 "라면 통신"이라 비판하면 강 교수는 "만약학자"라 부를 만하네. "만약 그렇다 저렇다 안 했으면 그랬을 거다"라고 글을 써대는 만약학 교수. 아니면 가정법(家政 아닌 假定) 학자.

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